Submit a Tip
Do you have information that can help us solve a crime? The people that know more about Lee County is its residents. You may have information that will help the Lee County Sheriff’s Department solve a crime, save a person’s life, or simply make our county a safer more enjoyable place to live.
Do not use this form to notify us of a current crime. Please call 911 or (662) 432-2622.

Welcome to the Lee County Sheriff's Department
My mission for the Lee County Sheriff’s Department exists within the office itself. We will provide fair, honest, impartial and professional public services to all citizens of Lee County, Mississippi. We will accomplish this by striving to do our best to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and the laws of the State of Mississippi. I believe that our primary obligation is to the citizens who, by their will, allow us to serve and protect.
Sheriff Jim H. Johnson